Adding customer fields to report IP15 and IP16

This blog highlighted steps you need to do to add new columns to report IP16 (Display Maintenance Plan) and IP15 (Change Maintenance Plan).

Step 1: Add new columns to structure RIHMPLA

Report IP15 and IP16 are based on structure RIHMPLA. First step is to added new columns here. Use append structure to add new fields here. After activating append structure you should have new column(s) in report. However, if it does not appear then it could be the ALV buffer.

To refresh ALV buffer you have two options
1. Execute report BALVBUFDEL to clear ALV buffer but this not recommended in live system.
2. Another option is to set parameter id ALVBUFFER to current date and then execute IP15/IP16 report. This will reset buffer for structures used in report. After you get your column(s) delete this parameter id. Read SAP Note 339258 for more detail.

Step 2: Filling data in field

Report IP15 and IP16 has internal table OBJECT_TAB defined with reference to structure RIHMPLA which contains report data. At the end of form SELECTION_L, report data is available in this internal table. Implement implicit enhancement at the end of form SELECTION_L and write code there to fill values in new column(s).

FORM selection_l.

* sap standard code

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$"$\SE:(1) Form SELECTION_L, End
*$*$-Start: (1)---------------------------------------------$*$*

  FIELD-SYMBOLS : <fs_tab> LIKE LINE OF object_tab[] .

  LOOP AT object_tab ASSIGNING <fs_tab> .
*     Add you code here to fill value in new columns

*$*$-End:   (1)---------------------------------------------$*$*
ENDFORM.                    "selection_l

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